A happy Maccaroni Grill customer. Thanks to the firm for the free meal and C for all the hard work he puts in.
I Love this picture of L. He's such a sweet boy if you can believe that. He has had swollen lymph nodes that have recently cleared up after almost a year of trying to figure out what was going on. After we had a radon mitigation system installed in our home to channel out the radioactive gas, he finally got better. In June he had surgery for his trigger thumb. He no longer has it. He was an awesome patient. He'll start up preschool as well as speech therapy in a few weeks.
This is cryposporidium at it's best. Not a happy camper.
Plum Jam. This is nine pounds of plums picked from a neighbors tree. We still got about 20 more pounds to go.
This is today's pickings.
Earlier this month, C canned 80 of our garden tomatos.
This is the latest horsey ride. Seems like we got one of these every quarter.
OOPPS! My bad.
This is my effort of posting up more pics of myself.
This is L's first catch. He enjoyed grabbing the fish out of water. Me.....not so much.
I'm so glad you're back! It's great catching up with your family. Hope to hear more soon!!
Glad you're back too. Keep 'em coming.
ah man... I miss you guys.
sorry, jack is bobby
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