Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Way Too Early

L was out at 7 am riding his bike. It felt like noon. One thing led to another and we had a pool, an umbrella, and waterguns. It was a street party pretty much all day long! I was ready for a break.


CUTRER said...

How cute all the hood rats out getting wet! Sorry about the mess they came over to look for one thing and then before I knew it the had taken off to your house w/all the gear and then some. Poor Mace his clothing never fixs his little waste, he is always pulling up his pants and then worse when wet!!

lucy said...

no problem! I think I asked him if you guys had those things. The umbrella and the pool, those were me. THe guns were an added plus!

Anonymous said...

that looks like enough to make Collette and the boyz jealous.