Thursday, August 21, 2008

I thought I was going to Die

So Chris and I are on our way home from the gym when a crazy driver almost hits us from behind. We're less than half a mile from our home when this person proceeds to tail us and we're wondering what's going on. Chris pulls over to let the car pass and we follow it. It takes off turning onto a street we know well. I wasn't expecting my husband to follow so closely, flashing his brights at the guy, basically picking a fight in my eyes, which was freaking me out. The guy pulls over we're guessing it's his home and then Chris parks it right behind him. I could touch the crazy driver's car. Chris gets out and yells, "Are you drunk?" no answer...."ARE YOU DRUNK?!!!" OHHH man I'm freaking out. "ARE YOU HIGH?!!!" The guy starts answering him in slurred speech. Chris, he's drunk let's get out of here. repeating myself over and over, Chris not budging. The guy gets out of his car. I thought I was going to die. After a few seconds, the guy realizing, that he wasn't going to be able to take Chris on, backs off and tries to kiss up. He had his hand under his shirt like he was going to pull out a gun. Oh Man. Let's just get out of here. But, no, this man, my husband, was not going to budge. They exchanged some words, Chris basically told him to go sober up in slang I have never heard of and I thought I knew it all. Chris surprises me with the stuff he knows sometimes. Then we start taking off, whew, I thought. But no Chris wanted to hang out a little more. He pulled up barely enough to let the guy park. The guy parks and starts yelling "Come here, come here." Chris not budging once again. "If you don't start driving, I'm getting out and walking home," I said. Of course, I had to start opening the door before he took me seriously.
1. Drunk Drivers are BAD, BAD, BAD
2. My husband is a crazy man
3. This reminds me of one of Chris' highschool buddies that used a hammer on a drunk guy trying to get into their house. The same bold, crazy, fierceness.
4. Why can't Chris channel this fierceness when he calls Qwest with complaints of overcharging us.
5. Which reminds me, I loathe Qwest.


Chris said...

who is my highschool buddy? I've never heard that story.

lucy said...

This is what happens when I go and visit your highschool friend and wife,,now my friends as well, more than you do. I think they wanted to law low with this story. And I would as well.

Carson Calderwood said...

Sweet! Chris was similarly cursed w/ the responsibility of showing others they are wrong and making sure they feel the desire to change, especially when it involves hurting our families.

the narrator said...

i'm surprised it took you so long to recognize me in my car... especially after you followed me into your driveway.

and you were accusing me of being under the influence?

Jen said...

It is so fun reading your blog. I can't wait to keep on your family better...

Supergabesmomma said...

Oh, wow! Crazy story. I think I would have passed out...Go Chris! What a guy, even if he scared you to death.

Sara C. said...

Uh, that was crazy. Just call the cops next time, geez! Scary.

Chris said...

didn't have a cell phone on me at the time, and I wanted to make sure I knew who it was.

Emily said...

Chris, i love that you have the instinct to protect your family! Way to be a man! or way to get yourself killed? you may want to consider packin' a gun from now on.

Chris said...

emily - already packed...two of 'em...I call them left arm and right arm

lucy said...

a man with an ego, who wasn't in his right mind.

Brian said...

That is awesome Chris...except you could have been killed! I was in a similar situation a year ago. This guys almost ran me off the freeway a couple of times. I followed him when he got the freeway and pulled along the side of him. We both rolled our windows and he pointed a gun at me and asked if there was a problem. I said "no" and quickly got out of there. Needless to say I don't do that anymore.
Brian Olsen

Amy-Alisa said...

T does stuff like this too, usually with me pleading for him to just forget in the seat next to him. Ah, men.

Lettie B. said...

uh, what the crap were you thinking, dude?

Chris said...

It was in my ward area, so I figured I would know the parents of the kid. Not members of the ward, but I know the father. So that disseminated alot of fear.

THE ONE. said...

I dont think that was a good idea. Just call the cops next time thats what theyre for. Dont get your self involved in something that may endanger your life. Im not going to lecture. Things like that the best thing to do is just let it go. In these times people get killed for stupid reasons Ive seen so many people come to jail because of a desicion they made when they were angery and can nevver change the out come.