We've been sort of busy, sort of not. We had Loyd and Angela over for a couple of days (Saturday-Monday). We played games, hung out, and even got to see Twilight finally. They recently finished the first book and hadn't seen the movie yet and I've been itching to see it, so it worked out nicely.
It wasn't the greatest movie but it was good enough for me. I hope they recast some one them especially Rosalie. Bella and her dad were awesome. I liked Emmett a lot. Jasper was WEIRD. Alice was o.k. Edward was not my Edward but cute enough. Jacob played his part well but he didn't look Native American to me. I can go on and on but I won't.
The boys have started up school again and I'm missing them. But they enjoy their classes/teachers and they enjoy keeping busy. Indoor soccer has started up for the two older boys and basketball for K. We have something almost every evening so I've had to make dinner early. Let us see how long that lasts. Thankfully Chris' engagement is only 10 minutes away and has been home for dinner and helping me with the boys' practices and games. Since his out of town days last fall he has been taking K to school every morning. Now that "busy season (11 hour days)" is starting he'll be leaving earlier to come home earlier and I'm taking K again, which I don't mind.
K is starting piano lessons this month. His good friend's mom is a piano teacher and we coordinate a weekly play group with her kid and two others. She's a really neat lady and I feel lucky/blessed to affiliate with her and her family. Incidentally her husband is K's basketball coach. K seems to be doing well and super excited about the things he's doing.
L is excited to start some kind of music. He's been asking a lot so I've got something in the works. We'll see. He's limping around right now. He wanted to see what the t.v. looks like in the back and ended up underneath it. He's the one I found drowning 4 times one summer, sticking forks in outlets successfully, chocking on hotdogs, cheerios, etc., holding the window's screen after falling out of it, found by some lady at the mall after going missing, sticking his complete hand in just made pancake syrup (very hot), etc. etc. During dinner earlier this week we were talking about where we will be age wise in 5 years. "When K is 12, will I be alive?" L asked. My reply was "at this rate, I don't know.......but I really hope so!"
A is talking tons! He wants to do everything on his own. "NO!! MEEE Do It." is his new thing. If he throws a fit, I stick him in his crib. He's pretty easy that way. He's picked up hitting and recently hit L on the head with a spoon. Ouch. He can definitely hold up his own.
Overall we're trying to be good. Sometimes I'm super motivated and other times just low in energy. But I think we're like everyone else and sometimes just don't know what has hit us over the head.
That is a pretty attractive picture of Chris there! The snow pictures are pretty. You definitely sound like you keep busy. I hope you guys had a good Christmas and New Years!
The pictures are awesome! I love the blue blue background with the snow. They would look great on your walls.
I definitely dig the awesome pic. especially the one above L's description. You guys are amazing with all of your activities, I don't know how you do it.
Pretty pictures! Well, except for that last one...
Glad you got to see Twilight - did I tell you about all the times I almost died laughing during it? I got the dirtiest looks, but some parts were just unintentionally funny. I agree with you on Rosalie - prettiest girl in the world?! I think not...
Yeah, Jasper is totally Edward Scissorhands the whole movie. I was cracking up. I think Jacob is actually Hawaiian. But that would be sad if they recast him. I did not like Rosalie either, Emmett was hilarious. Loved Edward and Bella though. She's much more enjoyable as a character when you don't have to listen to her whiny inner monologue.
Wow what beautiful pictures and sounds like your really busy. yea it's hard to get everything in the day done and still have diiner ready for the evening activities. Lots a planning!! great job Nancy
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