Saturday, May 02, 2009

The boy's first ever Horror Flick: Coraline

It is based on the book published in 2002 by a British Author Neil Gaiman. It was the only kid flick we hadn't seen yet at the dollar theater. Chris was somewhat worried that the boys would have nightmares and was leaning towards not seeing it. How bad can it be, I thought, it's just a cartoon?


Someone hates kids and likes playing mean, cruel jokes on them is what my thoughts turned to when we were actually watching Coraline. It was a freaky show and definitely a Horror. I love a good one and that it was. We didn't get to watch the 3-D version but it was still really good. It reminded me of The Others and even brought up some of the feelings I had when watching Sixth Sense.

The older boys did fine. My youngest was so freaked out the whole time. However, he could only cover his eyes for so long because we ALL wanted to know what would happen next.

If you like weird, scary shows this might be a good one for you.

I'm thinking Halloween costume this year.


the narrator said...


I totally wanted to see it.

Chris said...

haha, it was so funny. Right away, A knew he didn't like the movie, "I no like dis movie". And toward the end I put my hand on K's shoulder and he jumped a few feet.

lucy said...

I don't know what's letting the boys see it all or my hubby scaring the boys to add on to the scary experience. poor kids they have us as parents.

The Cundick Family said...

I heard this movie was awful so we haven't seen and now we won't. IGOR was terrible too, we walked out!! What are people thinking aren't these for children???

lucy said...

Igor was lame. In L's words, "I don't get it." Pretty much sums up that movie. I LOVED Coraline though. It was awesome. Wouldn't take the kids though if they are sensitive.

ang said...

k your picture is totally freaking me out!! lol

lucy said...

That's the point!